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AMANDA BLOGGER Montessori Mama • Teacher Trainer • Creative Cranium Amanda began her teaching career at a private Montessori school in a small Michigan town. Soon thereafter, she sought out a position at a tuition-free public Montessori because she had a strong belief that all children should have access to a FREE Montessori education. After [...]
Dr. Alan

Dr. Alan

DR. ALAN BLOGGER Doctor (Not the medical kind) • Drinker of the Kool-Aid • Montessori Dad Dr. Alan Carter began his professional teaching career in 1999 teaching science at a gifted and talented middle school. He has also taught internationally. His love for Montessori education began when he enrolled his son into a public Montessori [...]


ROCHELLE BLOGGER Mental Math Magician • Happy Hippie • Lifelong Learner Rochelle is a lifetime Montessori student and enthusiast. She has been a lead teacher for 8 years. When her son was younger, she worked to adapt Montessori philosophy into her home practices. She enjoys sharing her knowledge and love of Montessori education with everyone [...]


JES BLOGGER Free-Spirited • Constellation Collector • Beach Bum Jes is a school leader at a public tuition-free Montessori school in Michigan. Prior to becoming a school leader, she taught 6th-8th grade at the school she currently runs. Before her Montessori adventure began, she taught in Darlington, South Carolina and Grand Rapids, Michigan. When she [...]


LORIE BLOGGER Montessori Mentor • Book Nerd • Rebel With a Cause Lorie is a Montessori certified Lower Elementary teacher. Currently, she is working as a literacy coach in a public Montessori school in Battle Creek, MI. Lorie shares her passion with new teachers and is an advocate for all students. When not working with [...]


SHANNON BLOGGER Math Enthusiast • Grammar Guru • Follower of the Child Shannon discovered Montessori education 10 years ago and hasn’t looked back since. She is a certified Montessori teacher working in a 4th-6th grade upper elementary classroom in Southgate, MI. She strives to help every student make meaningful connections to their learning by using [...]


MAYA BLOGGER World Linguist • Practical Life Pro • Salsa Queen Maya has been a Montessori teacher for 10 years and currently works in a Montessori preschool in Madison Heights, Michigan. Her passion developed when she saw the miracles of Montessori schooling with her own son. She has a deep love for the method and [...]


Jessica BLOGGER Child Whisperer • Guider of Grace • Gentle Giant Jessica is often referred to as the eyes and ears of the child’s learning process. Her ability to redirect children in a calm and loving manner has given her the label of “child-whisperer” by teachers and parents alike. She has worked as an assistant [...]