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Encouraging Problem Solving

Encouraging Problem Solving

“Never help a child with a task at which he feels he can succeed.” –Maria Montessori This quote speaks volumes to what the end goal is in a Montessori education: independent learners who are successful in the real-world. Unfortunately, we see it often; the “helicopter parents” who swoop in and want to solve all of […]

Diary of a Teacher: Working as Though I Do Not Exist

Diary of a Teacher: Working as Though I Do Not Exist

“The greatest sign of success for a teacher..is to be able to say, ‘The children are now working as if I did not exist.’” – Maria Montessori This ultimately is one of the goals of every Montessori teacher in their classroom: to be able to watch your students purposefully working and learning, as if you, […]

From Non-Believer to Believer

From Non-Believer to Believer

Twelve years ago, I graduated college, eager for a teaching job. I applied and applied with no luck. So instead, I took what I could get to make ends meet…I ended up as a manager for a cosmetic counter. And still, I continued applying until one day my friend told me, “Hey you should apply […]