How to Make School Lunches an Easy Process
One of the most daunting tasks of children going back to school is school lunches. It can be challenging, if not frustrating, to get your child to help with the process of packing a lunch, let alone doing it independently.
Here are some tips to aid in the school lunch making process:
1. Have your child make their lunch the night before. Try to pick the same time every evening and make it part of their nightly routine.
2. The more you let your child do on their own when they are younger, the more they will want to do. That means your preschooler can be washing and cutting fruit/veggies among other things.
3. Have what they need at hand and most importantly at their level. If the containers they need are out of reach they are going to need your help. Make sure that you have enough containers to rotate so there is always something clean and that your child is able to open them independently.
4. When you do the grocery shopping have them choose 1-2 options of what they would like to eat for the week. We go to the farmers’ market and I have the children each choose 1 fruit and 1 vegetable that they would like to have for lunch. I also allow for them to choose one non-perishable item that they may bring for a snack. Set up boundaries beforehand so your child(ren) knows what is acceptable to bring for lunch.

Our snacks in the cupboard. I found that by putting them in glass containers it allows the children to see what is available.
5. Purchase a thermos for your child to have warm food if there is not an available way for them to heat their food at school. I find that when I heat it up a little extra so that the food is piping hot, it is just the right temperature when it is time for their lunch.
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