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The More Breakable, the Better!

The More Breakable, the Better!

  Children plus glass seems like a recipe for disaster. If we can mitigate the danger to our children by limiting their access to it, why wouldn’t we? On the other hand, when we don’t allow children to use items made of glass or ceramic, could we be endangering them more by not teaching them […]

You know your kids are Montessori when…

You know your kids are Montessori when…

  You know your kids are Montessori when your oldest will be graduating from the college of his dreams at 20 years old. His college offers a four-year bachelor’s degree in timber framing and a full progress of traditional historic preservation major class. And he’s at the top of his trades classes because of his work […]

Help Me Help Myself

Help Me Help Myself

Article re-posted with permission from Maren Schmidt. Children from about age three are asking us to help them learn independence. Children want to learn how to do things on their own without adult supervision or permission. Even though at times we feel we have to help children constantly, in reality, children are asking us to […]

8 Everyday Items to Support Toddler Independence

8 Everyday Items to Support Toddler Independence

In just a couple of months, my son will be turning 2-years-old. As a parent, I am sure you can relate to the magnitude of emotions this brings. A parent, in reference to children growing up, surely must have coined the term “bittersweet.” Parenting is, without a doubt, the most incredible journey of constant learning, stretching, […]