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How to Get Your Kids to Clean Up After Themselves

How to Get Your Kids to Clean Up After Themselves

by Angela Chang One of the perks to being a Montessori mom is that I’m not constantly cleaning up after my children. But this isn’t just a Montessori thing. All children go through a sensitive period for order from birth to age five. This means that they are naturally inclined to work towards and crave […]

Montessori Lifestyle Tips

Montessori Lifestyle Tips

by Holly Daniel I first started hearing about Montessori when my friends began having babies. One enrolled her daughter in a Montessori preschool because she had trouble concentrating in a normal preschool environment. My other friend actually taught at a Montessori preschool where her child attended. It was this friend who truly introduced me to […]

Kindred Spirits: Middle Schoolers and Toddlers

Kindred Spirits: Middle Schoolers and Toddlers

Their limbs are disproportionate to their bodies making them look and seem somewhat awkward. Their brains are developing rapidly. They are questioning everything you say-why, why, why? They are hungry all the time. They are easily cranky. One moment they want to be held, the next they want total independence. They have little tolerance with […]

8 Everyday Items to Support Toddler Independence

8 Everyday Items to Support Toddler Independence

In just a couple of months, my son will be turning 2-years-old. As a parent, I am sure you can relate to the magnitude of emotions this brings. A parent, in reference to children growing up, surely must have coined the term “bittersweet.” Parenting is, without a doubt, the most incredible journey of constant learning, stretching, […]