Backyard Series: Be a Botanist
“There is not a spring of grass that shoots uninteresting to me.”
Thomas Jefferson
My mom has a green thumb, I frequently need her help to keep my gardens green and growing! Both of my children enjoy planting seeds in the spring and watching them grow, we currently have a small pumpkin patch in our yard that started out as a science fair project to test which greenhouse color, green or clear, would help a plant grow at a faster rate. Sunflower seeds have been sprinkled along the fence and we check daily to see if any breaking through! Planting is a great way to get everyone involved in the process of observing and getting their hands dirty.
Are you ready to become a backyard botanist? Here are some great ways to become a Backyard Botanist.
- Create a milk crate garden. These are great for small spaces!
- Plastic milk crates, you can purchase these or find them locally
- Landscaping fabric or these liners
- Soil
- Seedlings
- Recycle cans and plant a window herb garden
- Grab a few cans from the recycle bin
- Fill them with soil
- Plant your favorite herbs, you can start from seeds or purchase starter plants
- Grab some twine, cardboard, and markers
- Make labels for your garden and wrap them around the cans
- Place them in your window sill
- Visit your local arboretum, garden, or a similar location and go on a scavenger hunt!
Here is a great list of books to pick up at your local library to learn more about botany and gardening:
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