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How to Get Your Kids to Clean Up After Themselves

How to Get Your Kids to Clean Up After Themselves

by Angela Chang One of the perks to being a Montessori mom is that I’m not constantly cleaning up after my children. But this isn’t just a Montessori thing. All children go through a sensitive period for order from birth to age five. This means that they are naturally inclined to work towards and crave […]

7 Fundamentals of a Montessori Lesson

7 Fundamentals of a Montessori Lesson

  By Linda Karchmar Montessori is a lot of things – the philosophy, the materials, the beautiful and calm environment, but without The Lesson, it won’t all come together. The Lesson is one of the MOST important parts of Montessori to master. It isn’t easy! Anyone who has gone through a Montessori training program such as […]

The Importance of Art for Preschoolers

The Importance of Art for Preschoolers

by Julia Gorham Children are naturally curious. From the minute they gain control of their limbs, they work to put themselves out into the world to see how it all works. They explore, observe and imitate, trying to figure out how things operate and how to control themselves and their environments. This unrestricted exploration helps […]

Summer Swim Lessons – Montessori Style

Summer Swim Lessons – Montessori Style

by Christina Hilgen With the end of the school year drawing to a close, I find myself looking forward to the relaxed days ahead where I’m not scrambling to get the kids to bed at night or rushing through our bedtime routines just to repeat it all again the next day. Mornings of enjoying a […]

Montessori Lifestyle Tips

Montessori Lifestyle Tips

by Holly Daniel I first started hearing about Montessori when my friends began having babies. One enrolled her daughter in a Montessori preschool because she had trouble concentrating in a normal preschool environment. My other friend actually taught at a Montessori preschool where her child attended. It was this friend who truly introduced me to […]

Scissor Secrets that Make Cutting Easy

Scissor Secrets that Make Cutting Easy

Borrowed with permission from Kidsplaysmarter.com by Amy Smith Learning how to cut is a big milestone for your child and cutting skills are expected to be mastered by elementary school. Yet learning how to properly hold and manipulate scissors can be a challenging time for many kids. Give your child a fine motor boost  by teaching your child these Scissor […]

Helping Children Learn To Apologize

Helping Children Learn To Apologize

by Maren Schmidt Injury occurs one of two ways: accidentally or intentionally. We need to help our children be prepared to deal with the inevitable in their lives. Accidents do happen, and we need to show them the way to make amends when things have gone wrong. We need to teach these skills, though, beforehand, versus […]

Why Losing is Good for Our Kids

Why Losing is Good for Our Kids

  By Sam Weinman The first thing you should know about helping your kids to learn to lose is that it’s still going to be difficult for them. They wouldn’t be human otherwise. If we’re talking about loss, or setbacks, or whatever the word is you want to use, the universal ingredient is disappointment, and […]