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The Explosive Kindergarten Year

The Explosive Kindergarten Year

  Many parents ask themselves about the importance of Kindergarten in the scope of children’s house. Their child becomes the wonderful age of five and they are faced with the complex decision…Do we stay in Montessori for his/her Kindergarten year? We all know young children are resilient and are often faced with change and transition. […]

Entrepreneurs Start in a Montessori Kindergarten

Entrepreneurs Start in a Montessori Kindergarten

Jeff Bezos of Amazon.com. Larry Page & Sergey Brin of Google.com.  Julia Child, Cooking Extraordinaire. Anne Frank, Author. Taylor Swift, Pop Singer. All of these people have something in common… a Montessori education that started in Kindergarten. An entrepreneur can be defined as a person who starts a business and is willing to risk loss […]