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What’s More Powerful than “Good Job”?

What’s More Powerful than “Good Job”?

  Pretend you’re sitting in the corner of a classroom of 30 children, ages 3-6. Everyone is working contentedly at their own tables. There is a buzz in the air, but not one of chaos. Instead, it’s the quiet energy of independent children, picking their own tasks and following their interests. You’re so entranced, you […]

The More Breakable, the Better!

The More Breakable, the Better!

  Children plus glass seems like a recipe for disaster. If we can mitigate the danger to our children by limiting their access to it, why wouldn’t we? On the other hand, when we don’t allow children to use items made of glass or ceramic, could we be endangering them more by not teaching them […]

Why Cursive?

Why Cursive?

There are many unexpected moments in the way Montessori presents various concepts of skills to children, including the surprise of introducing children to handwriting first through cursive. The Sandpaper Letters are iconic, pink or blue oversized cursive letters in rough sandpaper for a child to take to a table and practice tracing and pairing with a known […]

The Explosive Kindergarten Year

The Explosive Kindergarten Year

  Many parents ask themselves about the importance of Kindergarten in the scope of children’s house. Their child becomes the wonderful age of five and they are faced with the complex decision…Do we stay in Montessori for his/her Kindergarten year? We all know young children are resilient and are often faced with change and transition. […]

Homework or Work of the Home?

Homework or Work of the Home?

  For most of us, homework doesn’t enter our thoughts until the mid-elementary years and is typically thought of as worksheets and assignments that are given by the child’s teacher. That’s where we are different. Traditional homework emphasizes the repetition of rote behaviors rather than the development of understanding. These assignments limit the possibility for […]

You know your kids are Montessori when…

You know your kids are Montessori when…

  You know your kids are Montessori when your oldest will be graduating from the college of his dreams at 20 years old. His college offers a four-year bachelor’s degree in timber framing and a full progress of traditional historic preservation major class. And he’s at the top of his trades classes because of his work […]

7 Fundamentals of a Montessori Lesson

7 Fundamentals of a Montessori Lesson

  By Linda Karchmar Montessori is a lot of things – the philosophy, the materials, the beautiful and calm environment, but without The Lesson, it won’t all come together. The Lesson is one of the MOST important parts of Montessori to master. It isn’t easy! Anyone who has gone through a Montessori training program such as […]

Montessori Grit

Montessori Grit

by Aimee Allen Many of us, in a quest for physical and mental fitness, in a desire to push ourselves through uncomfortable situations, and in pursuit of saying “I did it!” have taken to signing up for Spartan Races, Marathons, Warrior Dashes, Triathlons, Ragnar Relays, and 100 mile bike rides, etc. There is something about […]