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Homework or Work of the Home?

Homework or Work of the Home?

  For most of us, homework doesn’t enter our thoughts until the mid-elementary years and is typically thought of as worksheets and assignments that are given by the child’s teacher. That’s where we are different. Traditional homework emphasizes the repetition of rote behaviors rather than the development of understanding. These assignments limit the possibility for […]

Montessori How-To: Peace Corner & Calming Jar

Montessori How-To: Peace Corner & Calming Jar

Have you often thought about starting a peace corner in your home? We have created this simple straightforward guide to help you get started and even included the step-by-step instructions for you to make your own calming jar at home with your kiddos! What is the purpose of a peace corner? The purpose of a peace corner […]

Why Being a Montessori Mom Changed My Life

Why Being a Montessori Mom Changed My Life

 I will never forget the moment I heard about the Montessori school near my home. I can still picture where I was and who told me. I’m not sure why it sticks out in my memory, but my education as a Montessori parent began at that very moment. I read all the books and tried […]