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Montessori How-To: Peace Corner & Calming Jar

Montessori How-To: Peace Corner & Calming Jar

Have you often thought about starting a peace corner in your home? We have created this simple straightforward guide to help you get started and even included the step-by-step instructions for you to make your own calming jar at home with your kiddos! What is the purpose of a peace corner? The purpose of a peace corner […]

3 Simple Tips for the Busy Montessori Parent

3 Simple Tips for the Busy Montessori Parent

I am a Mom. Not a teacher. Not an expert. And clearly not a child psychologist. I’m a Mom who loves her kids and does her best to help them navigate through this thing called life.  I mess up parenting (but hopefully not my children) every single day- in one way or another. When my oldest was […]

Montessori How-To: Color Mixing Wheel

Montessori How-To: Color Mixing Wheel

Many young children enjoy expressing themselves through artwork. In a typical Montessori classroom, art appreciation is part of the daily curriculum. By studying various artists and their techniques, students are able to embrace their own creativity and create their own masterpieces all while learning a little bit about art history as well. Most often, one […]

Why Being a Montessori Mom Changed My Life

Why Being a Montessori Mom Changed My Life

 I will never forget the moment I heard about the Montessori school near my home. I can still picture where I was and who told me. I’m not sure why it sticks out in my memory, but my education as a Montessori parent began at that very moment. I read all the books and tried […]

8 Everyday Items to Support Toddler Independence

8 Everyday Items to Support Toddler Independence

In just a couple of months, my son will be turning 2-years-old. As a parent, I am sure you can relate to the magnitude of emotions this brings. A parent, in reference to children growing up, surely must have coined the term “bittersweet.” Parenting is, without a doubt, the most incredible journey of constant learning, stretching, […]

More Choices. Less Discipline.

More Choices. Less Discipline.

In my 20+ years of experience as a Montessori educator, I have found there is often a misunderstanding in the general population of just what discipline means. Discipline is often thought of as something that is external and imposed on children by adults. Most of society would agree that a disciplined child is one who […]

New Chicago school budget relies on state pension

New Chicago school budget relies on state pension

The school system tapped borrowed money to make a $634 million, state-mandated fiscal 2015 payment to the Chicago Teachers’ Pension Fund by a June 30 deadline. It also announced $200 million in spending cuts last month that include the elimination of 1,400 jobs.
Talks with the retirement fund over giving the district a $500 million break on its fiscal 2016 pension payment ended without a deal.

Six Truths To Accept In Becoming A More Confident Parent

Six Truths To Accept In Becoming A More Confident Parent

Throughout my time as a Montessori teacher, I would often receive questions on what is the “right way” to do things and “how can I be more Montessori at home?” Parents were always asking how they could better educate themselves on the philosophy and become more of a Montessori parent. As I became a blogger […]