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Helping Children Learn To Apologize

Helping Children Learn To Apologize

by Maren Schmidt Injury occurs one of two ways: accidentally or intentionally. We need to help our children be prepared to deal with the inevitable in their lives. Accidents do happen, and we need to show them the way to make amends when things have gone wrong. We need to teach these skills, though, beforehand, versus […]

Why Losing is Good for Our Kids

Why Losing is Good for Our Kids

  By Sam Weinman The first thing you should know about helping your kids to learn to lose is that it’s still going to be difficult for them. They wouldn’t be human otherwise. If we’re talking about loss, or setbacks, or whatever the word is you want to use, the universal ingredient is disappointment, and […]

Understanding The Three-Hour Work Cycle

Understanding The Three-Hour Work Cycle

by Maren Schmidt  Tired and agitated, Sara got ready for bed. What had happened to the day? She had woken up fresh that morning, ready to have a productive day. During breakfast, Sara’s assistant had called to alert Sara that she wouldn’t be in to copy the reports for the next day’s meeting. When Sara […]

Why Being a Montessori Mom Changed My Life

Why Being a Montessori Mom Changed My Life

 I will never forget the moment I heard about the Montessori school near my home. I can still picture where I was and who told me. I’m not sure why it sticks out in my memory, but my education as a Montessori parent began at that very moment. I read all the books and tried […]