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Understanding The Three-Hour Work Cycle

Understanding The Three-Hour Work Cycle

by Maren Schmidt  Tired and agitated, Sara got ready for bed. What had happened to the day? She had woken up fresh that morning, ready to have a productive day. During breakfast, Sara’s assistant had called to alert Sara that she wouldn’t be in to copy the reports for the next day’s meeting. When Sara […]

Montessori Grit

Montessori Grit

by Aimee Allen Many of us, in a quest for physical and mental fitness, in a desire to push ourselves through uncomfortable situations, and in pursuit of saying “I did it!” have taken to signing up for Spartan Races, Marathons, Warrior Dashes, Triathlons, Ragnar Relays, and 100 mile bike rides, etc. There is something about […]

Let Your Kids Use Sharp Knives & Hot Stoves

Let Your Kids Use Sharp Knives & Hot Stoves

  Originally posted at: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/parenting/wp/2016/04/27/let-your-kids-use-sharp-knives-and-hot-stoves/ (reposted with permission) Would you let your 2-year-old use a chef’s knife? Many people think that sounds not just dangerous, but insane. However, that’s what my friend J.M. Hirsch, a prominent food writer and cookbook author, did with his son Parker. I’m a little more conservative (okay, fearful) than he is. […]

The No Rescue Policy: Why it’s Time

The No Rescue Policy: Why it’s Time

By: Parenting Educator and Author Amy McCready Forgotten lunches. Essays. Homework. Sports equipment. Oversleeping. Never fear! Mom or Dad are near! No doubt, we parents feel a little super-hero-ish when we show up to rescue our kids in distress when they forget what they need or what they’re supposed to do. Whether we’re protecting them […]

What To Look For In A Montessori School

What To Look For In A Montessori School

Montessori education allows children to create their own learning paths, building on student interests to create a community of knowledge. This educational philosophy has been highly successful, creating some of the greatest thinkers of our time. Yet, choosing the right Montessori school is not always easy. Because Montessori is a method and philosophy of education, […]

Why Our Society Needs Montessori Education

Why Our Society Needs Montessori Education

Maria Montessori after World War II said, “Establishing lasting peace is the work of education; all politics can do is keep us out of war.” One has to only turn on the news or open a newspaper to hear stories of murder, mayhem and carnage. These last few months, between the police shootings, the murders […]